Increased service delivery for contraceptive mix and primary health care delivery through Community pharmacists and Patent and Proprietary Medicine Vendors in Lagos and Kaduna States.
Donor: Co-funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and Merck Sharp and Dohme (MSD) for Mothers.
Year/Duration of implementation: 3rd November,2017 to 30th September,2021
Beneficiaries: poor women of reproductive age, youths, and adolescents.
Challenges/Gap that the project addressed (what is the problem)
- Poor uptake of modern contraceptives in the face of adequate knowledge of same.
- It was a “Proof of Concept” that, CPs and PPMVs can offer a wider range of FP and PHC services in Lagos and Kaduna; both states have high knowledge of modern contraceptives at 99.9% and 93.7% respectively but uptake was very low at 26.4% in Lagos and 18.5% in Kaduna.
Intervention (what did we do?)
The Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria’s Scope of Work (SOW) on the project was under work stream B that entails strengthening the quality of service delivery specifically for non-medically trained PPMVs and create demand for Family Planning in all intervention communities. To achieve this, various activities were carried out during the period of implementation which include; training 131 and 211 PPMVs in Kaduna and Lagos respectively on the provision of quality FP services. Intervention includes;
- Assessment of mapped facilities,
- Development of training manuals & capacity building for FP service delivery of non-medical trained PPMVs,
- Quarterly on the job Quality Supportive Supervisory Visits/mentoring.
- Community level demand creation activities which involves; engagement with community/religious leaders to generate demand for FP,
- Community outreaches, FP community level Interpersonal Communication Agent intervention
- Design/adoption of culturally sensitive IEC/BCC materials.
Outcomes/Results (what are the achievement) Success Stories: Strong advocacy to effect policy modification and creation of enabling environment to enhance behavioral change among tier1 PPMVs. Such as documentation of services, use of MIS tools, counseling of clients and referral for higher services was an indication that affirms the possibility of change at every level of health care delivery. Which if adopted can improve the narrative of our healthcare indices in Nigeria.

SSV session and capacity building session for PPMVs

SSV session and capacity building session for PPMVs